Continuum of Special Education Services

NBES provides the full continuum of Special Education Services based on student needs.

Special Education is specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Students with special needs are served in the least restrictive environment, whether it be in a regular, resource, or separate setting. An IEP team is responsible for making decisions about the child. This team is composed of a regular education teacher, a representative of the local educational agency, a special education teacher and parent.

Speech services are available for speech and language disorders including fluency, voice, articulation, phonological, auditory processing, receptive and expressive language. Children are seen in small groups and/or individually once or twice weekly based on their needs. Consideration must be given to how the disorder affects academics and if intervention is necessary to meet their academic goals. Eligibility/placement is determined by the school-based committee. Referrals are made by teachers, parents and as a result of mass screenings.
Ages Served: pre-school through fourth grade

Services: Hearing screenings, retests and audiological referrals to the Buncombe County Schools Audiological Program. This includes complete audiometric evaluations and monthly hearing clinics conducted by an Ear, Nose and Throat Physician, which is free to all Buncombe County Schools students.

Occupational therapy in the elementary school as related services, works closely with the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team to help students develop their fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, and visual motor skills, so the students can function successfully at school.

Physical therapy is a related service in the school setting and works with the IEP team to help special needs students access the educational environment and participate in their educational program. The PT works to increase gross motor skills, to provide equipment for proper positioning and support and to increase mobility in the school setting using any adaptive equipment needed (wheelchair, walker, etc.). We also work with school personnel to teach proper handling techniques.

NBES has a School Psychologist to help identify student needs. School psychologists are educational specialists who use knowledge of psychology and educational research to help confront many educational problems experienced by children, teachers, parents, and communities. We are skilled practitioners in the areas of psycho-educational assessment, childhood development, behavioral management, and consultation.

One of the main roles of the school psychologist in the schools is to administer a variety of psycho-educational instruments to students who are experiencing difficulties (educational or behavioral) in the classroom. Based on these test results and information collected from the student's teachers and parents, the school psychologist helps the school determine if a student is eligible for special education services. School psychologists work with students who have vastly different educational problems and needs, such as: -Learning Disabilities -Emotional/Behavioral Disorders -Autism -Intellectual Disabilities -Developmental Delays