Students standing in front of fire truck

Two exceptional third graders from Johnston Elementary had the thrilling experience of riding to school in a fire truck, a privilege awarded for demonstrating the most growth in their reading skills throughout the year. This memorable event was made possible by Heroes for Literacy, an organization composed of Asheville Fire Department and Asheville Police Department volunteers who are committed to promoting literacy and celebrating student achievement. 

Student exiting fire truck

As the fire truck approached the school, the entire student body gathered outside, eagerly awaiting its arrival. The atmosphere was electric with excitement as students cheered and waved, celebrating both the firefighters and their accomplished peers. The sight of the fire truck pulling in, sirens blaring and lights flashing, was a moment of pure joy and pride for everyone present. 

fire truck approaching the school

The morning’s events were a beautiful culmination of hard work and dedication highlighting the importance of literacy and community support. Johnston Elementary and Heroes for Literacy together created an unforgettable experience that not only honored the students’ achievements but also inspired the entire school to strive for excellence. 

students with fire men